Sunday, December 8, 2019

Sunday, December 8th

After arriving in Costa Rica late last night, we spent the day in our hotel in San Jose. Today was mainly about getting to know each other, and learning the rules of staying at the research station. We started out relatively early this morning, we agreed to meet in the dining room by 8:00am to have breakfast. Though today was an early day, all the days to follow on this research trip will begin even earlier.

After eating, we met in a conference hall to introduce ourselves and discuss some station rules - primarily in place for our safety. Some of the rules seem almost like a nuisance, like having to wear big rubber boots for a majority of the time, but I would rather be uncomfortable in cumbersome boots than get stung or bitten by something in the forest.

After getting all the introductions and orientation done, we finally had an afternoon of free time to do what we wanted to. Some chose to travel into the city, to go to the supermarket to get some supplies, and others chose to stay at the hotel. Exhausted from all the traveling the day before, I decided to stay in the hotel and get some rest and relaxation. Not only was I able to catch up on some much needed sleep, but I was also able to take a dip in the hotel’s outdoor pool. It was freezing, but it was very refreshing to be able to swim around for a bit. Finally, we had dinner at the hotel. After eating a hearty meal, we were finally able to prepare for our road trip via Cerro de la Muerte (Mountain of the Dead) tomorrow.

As an interesting side note, Cerro de la Muerte is named as such, not necessarily because it is a dangerous path to take, but because of its history. Before modern technology, people looking to travel across Costa Rica would have to walk to their destinations. Many people trying to move to the southern part of the country would have to cross the mountain range. Because it was so hot during the day, travelers were often underprepared for the high elevation temperatures, and many would freeze during their journey through that mountain range; hence the name, Cerro de la Muerte, Mountain of the Dead.

This is a Panasonic photo of the lobby of the hotel we stayed in.

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Thursday, December 19th

Today was a very fun day! It was our last breakfast at the station, and afterwards we started the long journey back to San Jose. We stopped ...